once you have created your blog and googke has approved our account.now its time for you to market your blog as much as you can.
the most efficient ways are as follows
- join as many social forums as you can some of the great social forums are as follows
- facebook.com
- orkut.com
- myspace.com
- twitter.com
- linkedin.com
- Publish your articles regularly at different article websotes as well.some of the article websites are as follows.
- ezinearticles.com
- join various blog marketing forums and blog marketing websites and visit others blogs regularly and write comments with your blog link.remember "give traffic get traffic".participate actively in their discussions.
- mybloglog.com
- blogcatalog.com
- join yahoo groups and google groups with more the one ids and participate actively
keep checking.or subscribe this blog or follow it the next article will be about other modes of earning except adsense
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